Ludovico Spinosa


 Ludovico Spinosa is a Mechanical Engineer who has been Senior Scientist at National Research Council (CNR) in Italy where coordinated the Sludge Management Research Projects, and Assistant Professor in Agricultural Hydraulics (Bari University), Contract Professor in Ecology (Calabria University), Contract Professor in Waste Engineering (Lecce University) and Guest Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology (China). On 1999-2016 he has been involved in technical activities on wastes, wastewaters, sludge and contaminated sites at the Govt. Commissariat for Env. Emergencies in Puglia Region. He got a NATO-CNR Fellowship at Duke University (Durham, NC-USA, 1987), was National Delegate at the European Concerted Action COST on Sludge, participated at NATO/CCMS program on Advanced Wastewater Treatments (1981-83), and chaired the IWA Specialist Group on Sludge Management. At present, he is expert Member of CEN/TC308 on sludge standardization with Convenorship of WG1 (Process control methods), Member of ISO/TC275 on sludge management with Convenorship of WG6 (Thickening and Dewatering), Coordinator of WG5 (Soil and Wastes) at UNI (Italian standardization body), and Scientific Consultant at Euro Tecno Service company. He has been awarded of the IWA-SGSM Specialist Medal in Residuals Research (2009), nominated as IWA Fellow (2015) and appointed as Distinguished Expert of the Sludge Innovative Technology Joint Laboratory in China (2024). Co-editor of the book Sludge into Biosolids (2001), and Editor of two editions of Wastewater sludge: a global overview of the current status and future prospects (IWA Reports, 2007 and 2011), he is author of more than 270 publications.

Ludovico Spinosa