Charles (Chuck) Gerba has been involved in the study of land application biosolids for more than 30 years and published more than 30 journal and book articles on the topic. He obtained his Ph.D. in Microbiology from the University of Miami (Florida) and is currently a professor in the Departments of Environmental Science, Biosystems Engineering (College of Agriculture) and Environmental Health (College of Public Health) at the University of Arizona. He supervises a group at the Water, Environment and Sustainability Technology Center (WEST Center) operated by the University of Arizona and Pima County Reclamation Department. He is currently a Co-Principal Investigator on a three project on Emerging Contaminants in land applied biosolids funded by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. He has conducted long term studies on the sustainability of land applied biosolids on both agricultural land and for reclamation of mine tailings. He was involved in a five-year project on potential for land application of biosolids in Jorden and conducted serval pilot studies on biosolids quality, potential for land application and generation at various sites in Jordan. He has received numerous awards for his work including American Water Works Association A.P. Black Award for Outstanding Achievements in Water Supply and the Water Environment Federation Awards for Leadership in Pathogen Management, and the McKee Award for Outstanding Achievements in Ground Water Protection. He is a Fellow of the International Water Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.